Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday To Us!!!

"Little" Larkin
Little Sizzle sleeping
Yippee we are 3 today!

We can't believe it (neither can Mommy or Daddy)....we are three years old today. It seems like just yesterday we were resting comfortably in Mommy's belly while she took extra special care of us. Now we are three years old and such a big boy and girl. Every time we remind Mommy of that, she gets tears in her eyes.
Here's a little trip down memory lane.....remember when

- Larkin looked like a little frog with her legs all up in her brace ( lederhosen as we called them =)

- Paxson would just cry unless someone was holding and walking with him (Grandma!!! =)

- Miss Rachel came into our lives and not only helped Mommy out on Fridays, but became our special friend

- We finally sat up with the Bumbo

- Paxson started crawling out of no where and then we realized he was chasing after Dooley

- Larkin would walk on her knees cause it was just easier than trying to stand up!

- All the gates and crib rails preventing us from getting on the couch

- Our first thanksgiving at Aunt Cathy and Uncle Rich's house (there was some puke involved =)

- When we started walking, Daddy put up that ridiculously HUGE gate that went across the room (thanks for your help Uncle Jon)

- Speaking of Uncle Jon, when anytime we would ask Paxson if he wanted to go see Aunt Becki, he would say "no Jon"

- We really started talking and Grandma was "Dama" and Demaree was "Memoree"...and can't forget the combo of Demaree and Mia as "Demia"

- Turning two allowed us to join such fun things like Sports Class and Gymnastics

- Turning two also put Paxson through his surgery to get rid of his tonsils and adenoids, but boy did that make him a different little boy =)

- Our first vacation...the Kalahari

- Larkin was just potty trained and we took our first big trip to the Play for Maeve picnic (on the South Side) so we brought her froggy potty and she went in front of everyone

- Our first sleep over at Grandma and Papas (Mommy and Daddy LOVE this one)
- Our second and third sleep over at Grandma and Papas (are seeing the theme G and P =)

- Our first trip to the McD's playland

Boy, we could go on and on and on but I know these will all make Mommy cry so we will stop.

We love all of you and we know Mommy and Daddy couldn't do it without you.

Larki and P

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