Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Go Cubs Go

Here I am everyone in my first Cub's hat. I can't believe they are in first place. I love it!! My Daddy and I are so excited, we can't stand it. We keep singing "Go Cubs Go, Go Cubs Go...Hey Chicago what do you say, the Cubs are gonna win today!!"



My First Real Word

I have been babbling for months now but yesterday, I concentrated and said my first real word. Mommy had just finished changing me and was asking me to say Mama...I just stopped, looked at her, concentrated and out it came "MAMA". Daddy was sitting right there and stopped in his tracks. He was so excited, he asked Mommy "did she just say that"? Yep, I did. Mommy asked me again, and I said it again "MAMA". It was so much fun. Mommy got all excited, I thought she was going to cry. Daddy got the video camera out but then of course all I did was smile, laugh and stare at him and the camera. I wouldn't say it again.

But there you have it folks, my first, thinking about it, real word...MAMA. Now of course Daddy is trying his hardest to get either myself or my brother Paxson to day DADA. No luck yet but we will keep you all posted.



Saturday, August 18, 2007

Larkin and Daddy

I just love my Daddy!! He is so silly and makes me laugh and smile all the time. Here we are just hanging out in his big chair.

Happy Saturday everyone!



Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Morning Time

Just a quick we are watching, yes, of course, Baby Einstein =) We are a little sleepy still since it's pretty early in the morning, but aren't we cute???


Larkin and Paxson

Monday, August 13, 2007

We Love Baby Einstein!

Hi Everybody!!

Here we are watching our favorite video that Mommy's friend Carrie got us...Baby Mozart. We look like a commercial for Baby Einstein. We are sitting in our Baby Einstein Exersaucer and Jumperoo and watching the Baby Mozart movie.

We did have some exciting news last week too....Paxson got his first tooth!

Have a great Monday, we love you all.

Larkin and Paxson

Friday, August 3, 2007

That's Was a Good Meal!

Mommy sure serves up a mean dinner of sweet potatoes and cereal. I have such a nice fully belly here, I just decided to sit back, relax and chill out in my highchair.


