Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Merry Almost Christmas!

That's one of our favorite lines that Lumpy says from our new favorite movie "Super Sleuths Christmas".....although Mommy and Daddy are getting a little tired of it since we watch it about three times a day. Here is our picture from our xmas card.



Larkin and Paxson

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Just Chillin

So Daddy keeps saying that I am definitely my mother's child. I am not sure what he means but he says it's because of my love of TV. I could sit and watch it all day long if you let me. My first sentence will probably be "should we add a season pass for that Mommy"? Here I am just chillin in my old bouncy seat watching my favorite movie (for the moment, it changes all the time) "My Friends Tigger and Pooh Christmas".

Peace out!


Friday, December 14, 2007

Dear God, Not Santa!!!!!

So Mommy insisted we go see Santa at the mall and get our picture taken. Well, as you can see, I was just a smidge freaked out and my brother Paxson just didn't know who the heck that was. But, for some reason, Mommy thinks this was the best picture out of all of them. She keeps saying something about bringing it out when we are getting married and embarassing us.

Bah Humbug, ha!! =)



Friday, December 7, 2007

A Nice Warm Lap

Our kitty Dooley doesn't seem to mind sharing Daddy's lap with me! He likes to come right up and just lay down. Here we are watching the Super Sleuths Christmas Movie right before bedtime.




Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Sweet Shirt

Check out this sweet shirt that Daddy bought me. We have been waiting for a perfect time for me to wear it, so I put it on for our lunch on Sunday for Papa's birthday. I wanted to look cool for Papa! Now Daddy wants a shirt just like it!



Monday, November 19, 2007

I'll Make You Play With Me!

The video quality is not that good (it's from Daddy's cell phone), but you can see how I am trying to get Larkin to play with me. When she keeps ignoring me, well, I just take matters into my own hands!!


Bears Still Stink....but I'm Still Cute Too!!

Bears Stink but I'm Still Cute!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I finally got some teeth everybody and now I love to stick my tongue out and feel them. It makes me look sillier than I already love to be.

Have a good one!!




I will be walking anyday now if I have my way! I love to stand everywhere. Anything that can be used to pull myself up is my best friend. Here I am standing next to my new favorite toy. It's a singing mirror that Grandma and Papa got me, my sister and I love it!! They get us the coolest stuff =)



Wednesday, October 31, 2007


So Mommy and Daddy thought this was a chicken costume and everyone kept saying what a cute duck, so I guess I am a duck....

Happy Halloween!



Grrrrrrr Baby!!

Happy Halloween Everyone!



Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Happy Halloween

Here we are in our chicken and pink leopard costumes. We met Papa and walked around downtown Geneva for trick or treating. Of course Daddy got all the candy =)


Larkin and Paxson

Monday, October 29, 2007


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Sneaky Smile!!

What could I be thinking here....I bet it has to do with how I can get my way with Mommy and Daddy, huh? Maybe they should dress me up as a little devil for Halloween, ha!



Monday, October 22, 2007

Sizzle Being Sizzle!!

If you don't already know, my Daddy started the nickname for me of "Sizzle". It came from him writing silly things on my bottles like "Fo Schizzle". Then it went to him saying to me "Fo Schizzle P Sizzle", to just calling me "Sizzle". So, that's why this picture is me just being Sizzle...crazy as always. Hey, it got a huge laugh out of my sister. Larkin was cracking up.

Happy Monday!


Paxson Sizzle Cohrs

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Cracking Up Again...

First it was the "sleepy, sleepy, sleepy up" that Daddy did that to make me crack up. Now he has something new. I may be a few months older this time but he can still crack me up.

Have a good laugh with me!


Sunday, October 7, 2007

We Have To Laugh So We Don't Cry....

Well, the Cubs blew it and Daddy is not pleased. All their hard work and they choked. We didn't think we would have to learn the meaning of the word choked this early in our lives unless it involved trying a new food =)!! So, here we are trying to laugh it off so we don't cry. I guess next year will have to really be next year....

Ho Hum!


Larkin and Paxson

Saturday, October 6, 2007


We are the best of friends and sometimes, well, we get on each other's nerves! Here we are sitting together so nice, reading our taggie book. Actually Larkin is reading it and I am just trying to wait my turn. That's okay, I will get her back later when she's not looking. I like to come up behind her and bite her head =)

Go Cubbies....we need this one!

Larkin and Paxson

Friday, October 5, 2007

Lunch Time

Nothing big here, just a cute video of us during lunchtime. We are being silly as usual!


Larkin and Paxson

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

We Love To Stand!

Now that we can pull ourselves up, we are totally into the furniture walking. We haven't quite figured out how to get down yet so we usually fall back and then do a little cry so that Mommy and Daddy come running (we really aren't that hurt, we just know they will pick us up right away and hug us and we LOVE that!)


Larkin and Paxson

Goodnight Moon

Here we are listening to Ms. Rachel read us our favorite book "Goodnight Moon". She comes over on Fridays to help Mommy while she works. We are sitting so nice here but don't be fooled...we usually are all up on top of Mommy trying to turn the page, grab the page, eat the name it.


Larkin and Paxson

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Big Boy!

Check me out everyone! Grandma was trying to get me down for my morning nap and when she checked on me, well, I decided it was time to learn how to pull myself up, yippee!! Good thing Mommy had Daddy lowered the cribs awhile ago, but now, I just need to learn how to climb over into Larkin's crib, ha!

Have a good day!


Superstrong P-man

Monday, September 24, 2007

Bad News Bears....

Well, it was a bad loss, but we can get back our momentum next week with Detroit. We knew Daddy wasn't happy because when we got up this morning, his jersey you see here, was just thrown over the chair. At least we all look happy before the game! =)

.....and we still have the Cubbies, right?

Happy Monday!


Larkin and Paxson

Friday, September 21, 2007

Next Year is This Year!!

I don't want to jinx it but the Cubbies are doing great! Daddy is going nuts and is so tired staying up for all the games. It's a good thing we keep waking up in the middle of the night so that he gets even less sleep after watching a game until 11pm, ha!

Go Cubs!!



Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Sitting and all...

Well, Mommy and Daddy keep wishing for us to do fun things and grow we are both crawling, pulling ourselves up onto things, and as you can see in this video, sitting up. It doesn't sound that exciting but when you have been looking at everything from a laying position for the past 8 months, you would understand, ha!

Larkin and Paxson!

Okay, we don't drink wine, but Mommy and Daddy sure love theirs! Here we are with Grandma and Papa at the Festival of the Vine (Geneva's wine and food tasting annual event). While Mommy and Daddy got their wine and eat on, we sat and danced to the music with the grand p's.


Larkin and Paxson

Monday, September 17, 2007

Silly Larkin

It took Mommy awhile to figure out how to post a video, so this is a little old. Here I am with my very first belly laugh. Daddy is playing the "sleepy, sleepy, sleepy, up" game with me. I hope my laugh makes you laugh...Happy Monday!


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Da Bears!

Okay, the Cubbies pulled it out last night and squeeked back into a tie for first place. Daddy was in a serious nail biter situation. So, we decided to post this picture in our support of the Da Bears. Here we are in our first Bears outfits (many more to come!!). Although they lost, Daddy says they played well and their defense looked good. We remember last year right after we were born that they made it to the Superbowl...that was so exciting...until they blew it. Oh well, just like we say for the Cubs...wait until next year. So, as the superfans on SNL would say "Da Bears, Da Bears, Da Bears, Da Bears."

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Go Cubs Go

Here I am everyone in my first Cub's hat. I can't believe they are in first place. I love it!! My Daddy and I are so excited, we can't stand it. We keep singing "Go Cubs Go, Go Cubs Go...Hey Chicago what do you say, the Cubs are gonna win today!!"



My First Real Word

I have been babbling for months now but yesterday, I concentrated and said my first real word. Mommy had just finished changing me and was asking me to say Mama...I just stopped, looked at her, concentrated and out it came "MAMA". Daddy was sitting right there and stopped in his tracks. He was so excited, he asked Mommy "did she just say that"? Yep, I did. Mommy asked me again, and I said it again "MAMA". It was so much fun. Mommy got all excited, I thought she was going to cry. Daddy got the video camera out but then of course all I did was smile, laugh and stare at him and the camera. I wouldn't say it again.

But there you have it folks, my first, thinking about it, real word...MAMA. Now of course Daddy is trying his hardest to get either myself or my brother Paxson to day DADA. No luck yet but we will keep you all posted.



Saturday, August 18, 2007

Larkin and Daddy

I just love my Daddy!! He is so silly and makes me laugh and smile all the time. Here we are just hanging out in his big chair.

Happy Saturday everyone!



Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Morning Time

Just a quick we are watching, yes, of course, Baby Einstein =) We are a little sleepy still since it's pretty early in the morning, but aren't we cute???


Larkin and Paxson

Monday, August 13, 2007

We Love Baby Einstein!

Hi Everybody!!

Here we are watching our favorite video that Mommy's friend Carrie got us...Baby Mozart. We look like a commercial for Baby Einstein. We are sitting in our Baby Einstein Exersaucer and Jumperoo and watching the Baby Mozart movie.

We did have some exciting news last week too....Paxson got his first tooth!

Have a great Monday, we love you all.

Larkin and Paxson

Friday, August 3, 2007

That's Was a Good Meal!

Mommy sure serves up a mean dinner of sweet potatoes and cereal. I have such a nice fully belly here, I just decided to sit back, relax and chill out in my highchair.




Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Girl Power!

Finally, a picture of me, Larkin! I had to get on Mommy that there were too many pictures of my brother Paxson lately. So, here is one of me looking too cute in my "Grandpa's Cutie" shirt.


Larkin (Lady Larkin as my Papa calls me)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Papa and Paxson

Look at me and Papa playing on the floor, isn't he the greatest?! My sister Larkin and I love our Wednesday's with Grandma and Papa, we look forward to them every week. We get to see them all the time, but Wednesday's are our special day. We love them sooooooooo much!!



Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Partying is exhausting!

We went to our first big party at Lisa and Dave's house. There were so many people and babies, we had a blast, but boy did we get tired. After our bottles, we just layed down right in the middle of the party and took a nap. We decided next year we will come to the party for a little bit but then have Grandma and Papa come get us so Mommy and Daddy can stay later than 5, HA!


Larkin and Paxson

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tasty Toes

I just love the taste of my toes!! My sister Larkin, thinks it's gross but it makes Mommy and Daddy laugh =) Here's a picture of me at the mall with Grandma and Papa. We went to visit Auntie Mary and Uncle George. They thought this was so funny, they took a picture of me! Of course I hammed it up.



Thursday, July 5, 2007

Our friend Nolan

Mommy's good friend Carrie came over today and brought our new friend Nolan! He was born only 11 days before us. We had so much fun playing with him and hanging out. Look at all of us jammed into our pack-n-play, isn't that funny? We can't wait to see him again and play with him soon.


Larkin and Paxson

Monday, June 25, 2007

P-man's first Swedish Days parade

Look at my brother Paxson (P-man as we call him) watching his very first Swedish Day's parade. He loved the horses, the clowns, everything!!



Cuties in hats

Check out these great hats Grandma and Papa got us!! They are from Siesta Key in Florida where they spend the month of March relaxing and enjoying their vacation. We love when they babysit us on Wednesdays, it's our favorite day. Grandma dressed us up in our t-shirts and hats they got us and surprised Mommy and Daddy with this picture.

We love you Grandma and Papa, you are the best!


Larkin and Paxson

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Go Cubs!!!

Daddy keeps telling us how heartbreaking it can be to be a Cub's fan, but we are still die hard! Check us out in our Cubs onesies hanging out with Daddy in his new chair (a birthday present from Mommy).
Go Cubbies!!
Larkin and Paxson

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Hangin in our diapers!

It was so hot the other day, we decided to hang out in our diapers! I love how my brother Paxson looks with his hands like that, he looks like he's trying to figure out how to rule the world, Ha! We love laying next to each other. When Paxson is upset, I will grab his hand and hold it or even grab his ear and just hold on =)



Thursday, May 17, 2007

Big Girl in the Bumbo

I love my Bumbo seat, I feel like such a big girl sitting up in it. I can watch tv and talk to Mommy and Daddy.



Rolling Over

The day finally has arrived, I am now rolling over! My sister Larkin is still working on it, but she is close. I love rolling over so much that on Mother's Day during my nap in my car seat, I tried it here.



Tuesday, May 8, 2007

4 Months Old Today!!

Happy Birthday to us! We are 4 months old today. We went to the doctor last Friday for our checkup and we did great. I (Larkin) am 12lbs 14oz. - 23 1/2 inches and I (Paxson) am 12lbs 3oz. - 24 inches. We are starting cereal once a day (we already had been but had to pretend to our doctor we weren't =). We really like the banana flavored stuff but man is it messy. Our shots hurt and we had fevers that night, but we got over it. Mom and Dad were very tired the next day though, but our smiles made everything better. How can you not love our smiles, check us out here.


Larkin and Paxson

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Daddy's 32nd Birthday

Yesterday was Daddy's 32nd birthday! We wanted to surprise him so Mommy made these cute onesies for us to wear when he got home. Well, we decided to drool a little to much and then touch our shirts and you can guess what happened. We had marker all over our hands, tummy, you name it. Mommy had a heck of a time getting it off. So, we took this picture to show Daddy and instead just sat around in our diapers =)

We got Daddy a big leather recliner for his birthday, he was so excited. It has room for him to sit back, relax, and oh yeah, hold at least one of us.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Twice as Nice!

Welcome to our blog everyone!!

We created this blog for all our friends and family
to see how we are growing and getting cuter by the day!

Here we are at 3 months old wearing our cool Nike outfits from Lana and June.
Stay tuned, there will be more postings very soon.


Larkin and Paxson