Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Chairs

Now that we are two we aren't babies anymore so we needed to get rid of those highchairs...but okay, we are still a little bit, well, little. So Mommy got us these cool new highchairs. They are just like the ones at the restaurants so we are still safe in them but we sit right up at the table. She even got an extra one for whenever anyone comes to visit...we call it Mia's chair =)

Here are some pictures of the new chairs and of us having our first dinner in them.

We are getting so big, sniff, sniff!!

Love ya peeps!

Larki and P

Papa and P

We celebrated Grandma's 65th birthday on Sunday with everyone and it was so much fun. We had a soup party where everyone brought a soup and we all chowed down!! I got to sneak away with Papa and have some quiet time and read a book with him. He's my guy....I love you Papa!!


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What Would We Do Without Grandma???

Grandma doesn't have a favorite but I know I hold a special place in her heart. She always rocks me and sings to me before my nap and if I wake up too early, she will cuddle me and rock me back to sleep. I will never be too big for my Grandma......I hope she knows she holds a special place in my heart too!!

Love you Grandma!



Yesterday we watched our new president get sworn in and Mommy told us all about him and how special he is. She was teaching us to say his name and so far we are close....Paxson calls him "MOBAMA" and I call him "OMAMA". We are very lucky to have him as our president and we look forward to what he will create for our future.

We also like that he has the same saying as Bob the Builder "Yes We Can"...that's cool!!

God Bless America!

Larki and P

Friday, January 16, 2009

We Will Miss You Rodney

We had to say goodbye today to another one of our favorite kitties....Rodney. He was Mommy's cat many years ago and has been living with Grandma and Papa forever. He was 18 years old and lead a wonderful life. He used to go play outside and visit the neighbor's garden, he used to chase after Mommy's dog Annie, he used to love to get up on the sink so he could drink the water from the faucet, he loved getting lunch meat from Papa and loved getting whipped cream from Grandma. He always let us pet him and we told him we loved him. He is now up in heaven playing with Dooley, our other angel.

We loved you Rodney and know how much Mommy, Grandma and Papa loved you too. We will miss you very much!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

We Love Our Books!

With this cold weather, it's been hard to get out, especially since we have both been sick (ear infections, tonsilitis, etc.). We have so many wonderful books that we have received as gifts and we love to just sit and read them together. This is one of our favorite spots....we push the chair cushion forward and sit behind it.

For anyone looking for a good book shelf, check out this cool one Mommy got us. We can see all our books, put toys in the bins below, and it even has our name on it (well, our knicknames).

Gotta go read Go Dog Go again! Today is Wednesday, our special Grandma/Papa day, so I'm sure we will go through almost every book with them!

Larki and P

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday To Us!!!

Can you believe it? We made it to two...I know Mommy and Daddy are amazed, ha! Check us out in these cool shirts Mommy got us to wear to school today. We will be moving to the big two year old class soon but we don't really want to go. We love our teachers but I guess it's time to start new things that two year olds do...whatever that is. All we hear is that we are now "cheaper"...huh???

Anyways, happy birthday also to the King, he shares our birthday. We love you all and can't wait for what exciting things we will experience this year.

Love you!

Larki and P